Supply Chain

Modern Supply Chains are often highly complex, and involve intricate organisation and optimisation, sometimes requiring the maintenance and management of third parties within the supply chain and multiple networks interlinked with each other to provide best solutions -

Supply Chain Consultants

The complete integration of the supply cycle requires an understanding of the complete process. Understanding the commodity flows, knowing possible choke points and possible problem spots, benefits not only the supplier/ shipper, but also the logistics provider, to maximise the use of resources in B2B or B2C environment - 
Cyber Bolt partners have successfully , developed , deployed , integrated and managed UK and International Supply Chain Services for companies of varying size across multiple industry sectors, including: FMCG, Retail, e-commerce, Drinks, Foodservice, Fashion, Outsourcing General Manufacturing, and Technology.

Whatever your requirements are, we tailor our supply chain consulting services, specifically to help you. Our team will help you to develop an integrated approach to optimising your Supply Chain solutions - 

Logistics & Inventory Modelling

As part of the Global Supply Chain – Import, Export and Logistics – is the part of the supply chain processes that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services, and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customs and customer requirements.

Inventory modelling can be used to define the correct stocking policy for a large range of SKUs – for example, which SKUs should be stocked in local branches, and which should be held in one national centre.

Supply Chain & Inventory Optimisation

Sub-optimised supply chains often result in limited visibility, hidden costs and fragmented teams working against each other; consequently, where one cost is driven down, another is increased. We have the expertise required to ensure the comprehensive review and management of your supply chain processes. Our specialist international supply chain consultants at cyber-bolt are focused wholly on this field.

Synonymous with Supply Chain is Inventory Optimisation, for which our Supply Chain Consultants use ‘Inventory Modelling’ to establish the correct level of stock for any given situation – balancing the need to maintain a high-level of customer service with the desire to minimise working capital.

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