IT Services

& Support

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Remote Support

How often do your company's employees call your IT department for help with basic IT problems? If your company is big enough, you probably have to hire IT staff for more important tasks every day to help people with their passwords or teach them how to access shared network folders. Cyber-Tech's remote IT support services can help your employees stay productive while your in-house IT staff can focus on more specialized tasks.

Help Desk (Business)

Our remote support services provide your employees with a phone number to call to quickly resolve most computer issues. We can solve problems such as network login difficulties, malware removal, and problems accessing files over the phone without involving your in-house IT staff. With remote desktop software, we can even temporarily take control of a user’s computer if the situation calls for it.

Easy Payment System

At Cyber-Tech our remote support services can go beyond the needs of your employees. We can remotely perform network administration tasks such as security audits, password resets, backup operations and software updates without involving your internal IT department. Our remote network support services can keep your corporate network running reliably while your IT staff can use their time more efficiently.

Expanded Support

As your business expands its business hours, outsourced IT support is a great way to add after-hours support without hiring additional staff. Our remote IT support services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you prefer to keep your existing IT structure during the day, you can hire us to take care of it when your internal staff go home.

Managed Expenses

Whether you pay per incident or opt for unlimited IT support at a flat rate, outsourcing your company’s IT support lowers your expenses by reducing overtime on your existing IT staff or avoiding hiring additional staff. The Tariff Remote Support package makes it easy to manage expenses by giving you a predictable bill that never changes.

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